Nobody likes weight gain or cellulite, but it’s a normal part of aging. Some people describe the condition as creating an orange peel or cottage cheese-like skin texture. Cellulite becomes more visible when you pinch the skin in affected areas. Although the most common places to get cellulite are the thighs and buttocks, it may develop anywhere on the body, including the lower abdomen, upper arms, and breasts. It emerges from fat buildup under the skin, leaving lumpy dimples on the thighs, hips, abdomen, and buttocks. It’s a common occurrence that affects about 90% of women, and 10% of men. The condition depends on your age, genes, body fat percentage, and thickness of your skin. While it’s harmless and painless, most people find it unattractive and try out various treatments to combat its appearance.
Risk factors
Although anyone can develop cellulite, the condition affects more women than men. Girls will often develop some cellulite after puberty as their fat is mostly distributed in the areas common for cellulite: the hips, thighs, and buttocks. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, which also influences the development of cellulite. Weight gain, pregnancy, genetics, and a sedentary lifestyle can increase your chances of getting cellulite.
Whether you’re heavyset or fit, cellulite could affect you the same way it can affect anyone. Although researchers are unsure of what causes cellulite, it is known that fibrous connective cords tie the skin to the underlying muscle, with the fat lying between. The more fat cells accumulate, the more they push up against the skin, while the cords pull down, creating dimples in the skin and flesh. Hormones also affect the development of cellulite, and genetics determine body type, skin texture, and skin structure.
Although treatment for cellulite isn’t necessary, you have various options if you don’t like the appearance of it on your body. From creams to massage treatments, the beauty industry is full of cellulite reduction promises. Some treatments proven effective include, Weight loss injections, Cellulaze™and Cellfina®. Cellulaze™ is a minimally invasive laser treatment that uses heat energy beneath your skin. The laser then breaks tough bands responsible for cellulite while also thickening your skin. As a result, the appearance of cellulite is reduced. Cellfina® is a highly effective, FDA-approved cellulite treatment that can be used anywhere on the body. It uses a small microblade needle inserted under the skin to cut the connective bands, and, as a result, release the tension that causes the cellulite. According to studies, the procedure is so effective, cellulite does not reoccur after three years of getting the treatment.